New Year's Resolutions to Try in 2022

New Year's resolutions are not something I enjoy, mainly because I fall short on those goals. Do you feel the same way? According to one study, about 80% of people who make New Year's resolutions have given them up by the second week of February. Have you heard of  "Quitter's Day"? January 19th seems to be the day most people quit their resolutions and goals, based on research from more than 800 million user-logged activities in 2019. I believe it is possible to accomplish those goals as long as you're being realistic.

Start small. The smaller the goal, the bigger the impact it can have on your life and the more likely you will see it through.

Whether it's self-care, learning something new, or just trying to be a better person overall, you can achieve those goals and a brighter future for yourself.

I've come up with 50 NY resolutions (with the help of some articles I read in Woman's Day MagazineVery Well Mind, and The Pioneer Woman) that might help and encourage you on your journey.

  • Develop a skincare routine.
  • Relax.
  • Be more mindful of your health. There are a ton of apps to help you.
  • Book your doctor appointments for the year.
  • Be intentional.
  • Learn to find peace in the middle of chaos.
  • Get creative. Pick up a hobby.
  • Declutter and get organized.
  • Sleep more.
  • Start journaling.
  • Take a social media break.

  • Travel, even if it’s to the next town over.

  • Put your phone down and be in the moment.
  • Look on the bright side.
  • Make a new friend.
  • Try new foods.
  • Listen more to music.
  • Read more books.

  • Spend more time with people who bring you joy.

  • Spend less time in front of the TV, and more time connecting with those you love.
  • Listen intently, and don't give advice unless it's asked for.
  • Make sure friends and family know how much you love them every day.
  • Get to know your coworkers better.
  • Send more greeting cards.

  • Avoid the impulse of looking at your phone as soon as you wake up.
  • Be a happier person by ending communication with anyone who isn’t making your life better.
  • Unfollow negative people on social media.
  • Empathize more and judge less.
  • Practice saying "NO".

  • Speak kindly to yourself.
  • Forgive yourself for infractions big and small.

  • Take one small step towards your "someday," every day.
  • Don't say "I'm sorry" unless you really mean it.
  • Accept compliments by saying "thank you," and nothing more.
  • Celebrate small wins.
  • Stop comparing yourself to others. 

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible.
  • Drink more water.
  • Do something healthy every day, even if it's just drinking a cup of green tea.
  • Limit alcoholic beverages.
  • Take routine walks and track your steps.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables.
  • Try a new healthy recipe at least once a week.

  • Track your spending.
  • Stop all of your non-essential spending for a certain amount of time, whether it's for a day, a week, or a month.
  • Learn to recognize your worth and then ask for it.
  • Start investing for a sound future.
  • Get in the habit of checking your bank account daily.  In addition to helping you stay on top of your spending and any deposits, it can also alert you to any fraudulent charges, which are always important to get ahead of.
  • Pick up a side hustle.
  • Save for a rainy day.

We truly appreciate all of YOU that follow us on our blog and other social media platforms. We hope this year will bring you health, happiness, peace, and prosperity.

Do you make NY resolutions? What is a resolution you've made for the coming year? Please comment below 👇 

Happy New Year, 
Sassy Silver Sisters 
Cathy, Rhonda & Kelly


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