
Showing posts with the label reading

10 Things To Do While Being Stuck Inside During a Pandemic

We are all in the same boat during this pandemic of COVID-19. Here are some things that you can do during your time held up in your home. 1.   Complete a puzzle. It's always satisfying to finish puzzles. 2.   Start a journal. This can be cathartic way of getting through difficult times. 3.   Dust off that old instrument and practice. 4.   Watch all the really long movies you’ve avoided until now.  5.  R ead a classic book. 6.   Treat yourself to a skin care routine you don’t have time for during a normal work week. 7.   Write an actual letter or note and send by snail mail. Who doesn’t like to get cards and notes in the mail? 8.   Learn something new. 9.   Try on all your clothes and determine whether they “spark joy” á la  Marie Kondo . 10.  B ake something. The next blog we will talk about things NOT to so during a pandemic. We would love to know what you are doing to keep busy during this time.

Uplifting Story: Trash Man Creates Free Library with Books Found in Garbage

***UPDATED 7/14/23*** We are bombarded with bad news all day long from most network news shows. We don't know about you but we are tired of the hatefulness we see day in and day out. So, we are going to make it our mission to bring you uplifting stories from around the world that have touched our hearts. This story actually came from There is a garbage man in Bogota, Columbia who began salvaging books that people were throwing out. He hated to see them in the trash bins so he started his own library in his neighborhood. When he decided to rescue the books from the trash, it created a "snowball effect" that inspired him to continue saving discarded literature. Jose Gutierrez has since collected over 20,000 books for his FREE library. He appropriately named the library "Strength of Words". He opens up his home to the children in his community on the weekends. He doesn't limit his book-lending to children, he has sent books to F

Advice on Raising Children

***UPDATED 12/26/22*** We think having and raising a family is the most wonderful gift from above. We three sisters thought we'd share some advice from our own experiences. 1. Hold your babies! They need that connection with their mom, dad, or whoever is taking care of them. It's so fun to watch their expressions while they sleep. 2. Feed your babies while holding them. Children shouldn't be an inconvenience so make sure you take the time to feed them properly. 3. Talk to your children. They learn to communicate when they are being talked to you by you, not the TV or electronics. 4. Read to your kids. Just maybe they will love to read when they're older. It's a good thing. 5. Play with your kids. The imagination of children is fueled by you. How fun it is to watch their little minds make up stories and pretend. We hope this helps all of you new parents or soon-to-be parents. Congratulations to Kelly, as she was blessed with her 5th grandchild this J