
Showing posts with the label freeze dried candy

Exploring the Art of Creating Freeze-Dried Sweets

La st year, Niagara Falls was the destination for my daughter and her familys vacation.  They also stepped into the Canada side of the falls. At some point, they found a big candy store that had freeze-dried candy.  They got all excited about that, but the freeze-dried candy is very expensive.  So, I came up with the idea to experiment with freeze-drying some candy for our granddaughter’s Christmas stockings. My assistant, Kayla, and I researched which candies are the best to freeze dry. My husband, Leroy, researched how long and what settings to use to freeze candy. And so, the experiment began. First, I did not buy a lot of each type of candy.  Most of them were theatre box candies for $1.25.  We did multiple tries of 5 trays at a time.  I did not take pictures of each kind.  These two trays are Sour Patch Gummies and Peach Rings.  Leroy and I watched a video about the Peach Rings, so we wanted to try those.  Well, these two did not turn...