Gingerbread House Creations

I just love to make gingerbread houses. It's one of my favorite traditions during the Christmas season. Below are some of the gingerbread creations that my daughter and I made in the past. Some of them were from scratch and some were kits. I hope this gives you some incentive to get your creative juices flowing not only to make something unique but make memories.

My grandson's first gingerbread creation. Can you tell he loves trains?
He wants to make a Thomas Train this year.

Can you tell which were made from scratch from the kits? Which one of the gingerbread creations above is your favorite? I think if I had to choose, my favorite would be the two story house that I made from scratch. (Oops I gave one away) I actually used a pattern that I found online or in a book, I can't remember. It was the most difficult gingerbread house we made.

We would love for you to share your gingerbread house creations, whether it be from the past or just recently. Tag us on your social media page, we would love to see!

Enjoy the holiday season and don't eat too much gingerbread :)

Stay safe and healthy,

~ Kelly

The Sassy Silver Sisters
Cathy, Rhonda & Kelly


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