Product Review Sensitivity Toothpaste Comparison - Sensodyne Pronamel vs Sensitive from Dollar Tree

Everyone uses toothpaste of some kind (at least I hope so) and most people have a preference. I thought, what would it hurt to try the Dollar Tree brand of sensitive toothpaste and if it worked I would save a few dollars a month on toothpaste. 

I bought the Sensitive Extreme (SE) from the Dollar Tree and the Sensodyne Pronamel Repair (SPR) from Walmart. Here are my thoughts:
  • Consistency: the SE toothpaste was a little runny in consistency compared to SPR.
  • Taste: the SE tasted funky and not like a toothpaste should taste. The SPR has a pleasant minty taste.
  • Whitens: I’m not so sure SE whitens like it states, I only used it for a couple of weeks. And did not notice a difference. I believe SPR keeps my teeth a bit whiter than if I use a toothpaste without whitener.
  • Sensitivity: My sensitivity to cold came back in a day or two after using SE where as the SPR helps with the sensitivity issue.
  • Price: Obviously the SE toothpaste is $1 and the SPR runs around $6. Is it worth spending several more dollars on SPR? I would say a definite YES!! 
I hope this helps when it comes to shopping for toothpaste.

We'd love to know if you've tried these products and if you liked them or not. 
Comment and share!!

Love and Best Wishes,
Sassy Silver Sisters


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FTC DISCLAIMER: This blog post is NOT SPONSORED. All opinions are our own, honest opinions. The products reviewed were not given to us for review nor were we paid to review these products The links are for easy access & if you choose to use these links we are in no way compensated.


  1. This is good to know! I use toothpaste for sensitive teeth sometimes and it works. Never tried Dollar Tree brands though. Now I know! Thanks!

  2. Definitely worth spending the extra money!


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