10 Things To Do While Being Stuck Inside During a Pandemic

We are all in the same boat during this pandemic of COVID-19. Here are some things that you can do during your time held up in your home.

1. Complete a puzzle. It's always satisfying to finish puzzles.

2. Start a journal. This can be cathartic way of getting through difficult times.

3. Dust off that old instrument and practice.

4. Watch all the really long movies you’ve avoided until now. 

5. Read a classic book.

6. Treat yourself to a skin care routine you don’t have time for during a normal work week.

7. Write an actual letter or note and send by snail mail. Who doesn’t like to get cards and notes in the mail?

8. Learn something new.

9. Try on all your clothes and determine whether they “spark joy” á la Marie Kondo.

10. Bake something.

The next blog we will talk about things NOT to so during a pandemic.

We would love to know what you are doing to keep busy during this time. Share your thoughts!

Take care!!
The Sassy Silver Sisters
Cathy, Rhonda & Kelly


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