Paul Mitchell Scalp Care Product Review

Hey everyone!! This blog post is a product review of Paul Mitchell Scalp Care.
Cathy's daughter, Michele (who is a hair stylist) gave us samples of the product. We all three used it and since it really takes up to 60 days to see a difference, we couldn't give a full evaluation. But that said, we do think the product smelled medicinal, more than likely because of the tea tree oil. The color turned us off because we have white hair and using colored shampoos other than purple/blue shampoos, may make our hair a bit yellow. 
Kelly said the tonic made her scalp tingle and maybe it was working on her. She didn't have enough product in the bottle to really tell.
If you want to try the product, ask your hair stylist if she/he has a sample box.

Here's our video review of the product. If you hang in their long enough, there's a conversation about stimulation & alcohol. Watch and see!!!

DON'T FORGET our Tip Jar. Our equipment works okay but we'd like to have a better camera, lighting and a microphone. With the TIP JAR we can eventually purchase these items.  If you enjoy our videos and you'd like to help us out, even if it's a dollar, we would be so excited.  We have yet to decide the type of camera and lighting we would like to have, so we will let you know when we have figured it out. We really aren't all that savvy when it comes to all this technical stuff but we are willing to try. Can't fault a girl for trying. ;) 

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Cathy, Rhonda & Kelly

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Cathy --- Likes to sell on eBay -- auction finds and her own art.
Rhonda ---  Offers essential oils and is very happy to answer any questions you may have -- just shoot her an email especially if you are interested in any specials she has to offer !
Kelly --- Loves to create jewelry,  useful items for home and auto!


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