
45 Life Lessons Written by a "90-Year-Old" Woman

These universal lessons are relatable to anyone who needs a little reminder of what's important in life. Life isn't fair, but it's still good. check the others out  ---

Just a little something funny about learning to use the internet !!!

The Internet What’s that?  “C’mon Ma you have got to try it” I pleaded to my elderly Mother.  I don’t know how my Mother lasted this long without ever using the internet, but enough was enough! I thought.  “Ok” she said reluctantly settling down by the computer and slowly putting on her reading glasses “what do I do now?”  “Now I’m going to open the home page of google”, I explained. “OK here it is! Now type in ANY question you want into the bar over here and you will find an answer to your question.” I confidently assured her.  My Mother looked at me warily, thought for a second, and slowly began to type,  How is Gertrude doing this morning? Found it here ---

This one is for Rhonda !!


When I die ...........

I thought this was funny --- why do I think of Kelly when I see this ??? Cathy P.S.~~~~Want a chance to win a $20 gift certificate from one of the following stores -- Kohls, Walmart or Target ??~~~~ As soon as we reach 100 followers -- a name will be drawn -- so pass the word !! Check out our blog Follow us on Facebook isters Follow us on Twitter

Follow Our Blog To Win !!!

How  to win a gift certificate from Sassy Silver Sisters ??? Join this site-- Blogger --  to follow  -- Sassy Silver Sisters -- EASY!!! Once the followers of this blog -- at Blogger --  have reached 100 , a name will be drawn at random and you will receive a $20 gift certificate from one of the following stores -- Kohls, Walmart or Target . So --- pass the word and let all your friends know -- the sooner we reach 100 followers -- the sooner a name will be drawn !! Remember to pass it on !! thanks, Cathy

Never Stop ----


Ready , Set , GO !!

Join this site and follow  -- Sassy Silver Sisters -- EASY!!! Once the followers have reached 100 , a name will be drawn at random and you will receive a $20 gift certificate from one of the following stores -- Kohls, Walmart or Target . So --- pass the word and let all your friends know -- the sooner we reach 100 followers -- the sooner a name will be drawn !! Remember to pass it on !! thanks, Cathy

Will be having a contest soon -- so -- GET READY!!

Just a heads up -- contest coming soon !! In the process of dreaming up a great contest and  prize  ! The winner will be chosen from the followers of this blog -- get it ?? Thanks in advance for the follow ! Will be working on more blog posts as time allows. Cathy

Sisters watch the movie "Tammy"

We were delighted to have the theater all to ourselves so we could comment and talk without the worry of annoying someone !! Tammy ( 2014 ) 96 min           After losing her job and learning that her husband has been unfaithful, a woman hits the road with her profane, hard-drinking grandmother. Melissa McCarthy wrote, produced and starred in this comedy. I enjoyed the movie and was all involved in Tammy's troubles -- kinda felt sorry for her -- poor thing -- everything that could go wrong, did !! Funny and sad at the same time -- if you can imagine that ! She starts off having car trouble by hitting a deer, losing her job , then losing her husband and on and on from there  -- to eventually finding herself with someone she can relate to and finding happiness !! Lots of funny moments and she is very believable as her character Tammy  and her crazy grandma ( Susan Sarandon) was also believable -- they were good togeth

Carrot Cake Sandwich Cookies - Mmmm Good

This is Kelly and I'm a Pinterest addict. I couldn't help myself, I had to confess :) My family just loves carrot cake and when I found this recipe for these Carrot Cake Cookie Sandwiches on Pinterest, I had to make them. They have a few ingredients and if you'd rather make them from scratch, just use your own oatmeal & raisin cookie recipe and add some carrots to the batter. They are delicious!! Here is a picture of the cookies I made and the Pinterest cookies. I've seen those pictures of the before and after of a cake or craft item and the after is no where close to the actual idea. I don't think I did half bad, if I must so say myself :) Make them and I guarantee you'll love them!! ENJOY!!

Review on the movie -- Dallas Buyers Club

Dallas Buyers Club This movie is a story about extremes -- too much sex, drugs, drinking, foul mouth and gambling -- but that is the main character's (Ron Woodroof) personality ! I found the movie hard to watch because of all the extremes -- but  Matthew McConaughey  (as Woodroof) did a very good job and made you believe he was the character ! In the 80's , Ron Woodroof was a man of extremes and finds out he is HIV-infected and has a month to live. So being the tough character he is -- he decided to study and find alternative medicine for himself .  A light bulb goes off in his head and  uses his money making skills  to gather alternative meds and form a buyers club for the Dallas area ( there was already one in NY ) because he could sell memberships but could not sell the unapproved drugs. Through this experience  he finds out  homosexuals were not the only ones being infected with HIV(which was the mindset of the 80's). The story is great -- movie is