Inspirational Gift Idea for Friends and Neighbors


I try to do something special for our neighbors, postal deliverer, and others at Christmas time. I saw this idea on Jamie Cooks It up blog post recently and thought what a wonderful idea. This year has been a little taxing on us all and we could always use a pick-me-up.

I changed it up a bit and have 52 quotes on paper for weekly inspiration. I searched for quotes online, I had everything in my stash of crafting supplies to make this project.

If you are interested in making this project, instructions are below.

You will need: 

  • Pint jar or container
  • Paper, I used scrapbook paper 
  • Paper cutter or scissors
  • Piece of fabric
  • Ribbon
  • Gift tags
  1. The first thing to do is to gather all your supplies.
  2. Determine what quotes or scriptures you would like to use. I used the scrapbook paper and in a Word document made 2 columns to fit more quotes on a page. It took 2 pages for the 52 quotes.
  3. After printing the quotes I used a paper cutter to cut them out.

  4. Fold the pieces of paper and place them in the jar/container.
  5. If you use fabric for a topper, I used the jar ring as a template and added 2" around, then cut out.

  6. Place the fabric between the ring and the lid and secure it.
  7. I used a 20" piece ribbon to tie the tags onto the jar.
  8. I made my own tags and if you would like to print them out here are pdf files for your convenience. Tag 1 & Tag 2

We hope you enjoyed this little tutorial on a great gift idea. We also hope that your holiday season is wonderful. It really is only what you make it!

Do you do something special for friends and neighbors during the season? We'd love to know! Share and comment below.

Stay safe and healthy,

~ Kelly

The Sassy Silver Sisters
Cathy, Rhonda & Kelly


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