
Showing posts with the label tips

Truths That Women Over 50 Want To Share With Younger Women

In looking back to my 20s, 30s, or 40s, I wish I had listened to wiser and older women about creating a life of meaning, creativity, and joy.  It would have saved me a lot of wasted time, grief, and misery. And it would have given me clarity, calmness, focus, and confidence as I journeyed through this tumultuous world of ours. Here are some truths that I want to share with women under 50. Please feel free to share this with your younger women friends and family. REMEMBER YOU ONLY HAVE ONE LIFE - this is not a dress rehearsal. Use your time wisely and don't fritter away with things that really don't matter.  THERE'S MORE TO LIFE THAN A PERFECT BODY - By the time women get to their 40s, they've hopefully given up the notion that happiness exists within a certain shape or size. I have fought the battle of the bulge most of my life. I can tell you that if you eat a balanced diet and get some sort of exercise you will feel better about yourself. I'm still working on thi

Transition Your Dyed Hair to Gray

Are you going through that moment where you ask yourself, "should I keep dying my hair or just go for it and let my natural gray come on out and shine"? We've been there and done that and let me tell you, it's worth transitioning to natural color. I had skunk hair about every two weeks, so the maintenance was just getting to me.  It took me about a year to fully grow the dyed part of my hair out. If I were brave at the time, which I wasn't, I would have just got a super short haircut and then let it grow out. But I didn't, so, therefore, I chose to highlight with blonde coloring so it wouldn't be so noticeable. I'm going to share with you tips to help you with your transition from well-known companies such as Good Housekeeping and others. Good Housekeeping had 5 tips to go gray. A color correction can save you from growing it out.   You have the option of essentially getting a "color correction," but instead of correcting it your natural or d

Dollar Store Organizing Ideas For Your Bathroom

Organizing can be a daunting task but once you get it done it makes you feel like you can accomplish anything. Where do you begin you might ask? I take it one room at a time and make it specific. Such as, I might want to organize under my sink in the bathroom. That’s what I focus on, not the whole bathroom, just one specific place. Then it doesn’t seem so overwhelming.  Today we will focus on the bathroom with some great ideas to help you get organized. The Dollar Store has some amazing products for your organization project. Below are some ways to use those items in your bathroom. Use small plastic animals , and jars you may have in storage & spray paint to make these inexpensive storage containers for cotton balls, beauty products & more.  DIY Post - Gold Animal Jars - Bang on Style ( Using a cutlery tray for a toothbrush organizer is great if you have more than one child, and less mess. 50 Dollar Store Bathroom Organization Ideas - Prudent Penny Pincher U

Tips to Beat the Winter Blues

***UPDATED 1/27/24*** During the winter months, you may find yourself feeling down. To top it off we have illness isolation to deal with. Seasonal sadness can often creep in during this time of year. While these feelings may be hard to dismiss, it's important to remember that every day is truly a blessing! Here are some helpful hints to get you through the winter: Brighten Your Home  - The vitamin D from natural light can help to improve your mood. Make it a daily routine to open your window coverings including blinds and curtains. If you still feel like you're lacking natural light, getting vitamin D firsthand by heading outdoors can also help - just make sure to dress warm! Look Ahead to an Event  - Whether you're looking forward to something it can help to create feelings of excitement. If you can't think of something to look forward to, then create something! It might be redecorating a room or getting together with someone where you can social distance. Stick to a S

Tips to Help Make Your Holiday a Little Less Stressful

***Updated 2023*** I know a lot of people get so caught up in having a wonderful holiday that they get stressed out. You can do some things to make it a little less stressful. Here are a few tips. Set a budget for your gift-giving. For the cookie bakers: you can make the cookie dough ahead of time and freeze it. Wrap as you go: just make sure you label them.  You don't have to go to every party. Sometimes it makes you crazy by trying to fit them all in, just say NO. Politely, of course. Organize and delegate: you can't do it all. If you can purchase gifts in advance, it really helps. Fewer decorations mean less putting away, get it? Don't forget to have fun: make up some games, treasure hunts, etc. Keep your holiday receipts in a special place. If you are traveling on Christmas day, make sure you fill up your gas tank early. Have a few emergency gifts just in case there are extra guests or you forgot someone. Don't forget to enjoy your time with family and fr