Showing posts with label bbq. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bbq. Show all posts

Monday, May 27, 2024

Start Up the Grill - It's BBQ Time

As the tantalizing aroma of grilling wafts through the air, ignite your taste buds and embark on a culinary adventure where sizzling meats and smoky flavors reign supreme.

The summer is heating up, and it's time to fire up the grill to celebrate the summer with BBQ! 

Whether you're a seasoned griller or a novice looking to impress, it's the perfect opportunity to elevate your grilling game and create unforgettable culinary experiences.

**Choosing the Right Grill**

The first step to grilling success is selecting the right grill. There are two main types of grills: gas and charcoal.

Gas grills: offer convenience and quick ignition, making them ideal for quick and easy grilling sessions. I have the Monument grill with rotisserie kit and I love it!
Monument Grills 4-Burner Propane Gas Grill with Rotisserie Kit, Side Burner, Stainless Steel 

Charcoal grills: impart a smoky flavor to food and provide a more authentic grilling experience. 

Consider the size of your grilling area, the frequency of use, and your budget when choosing a grill.

**Selecting the Best Meats**
The heart of any BBQ is the meat. Choose high-quality cuts that are full of flavor and well-marbled. Some popular BBQ meats include:

Beef: Ribeye, strip steak, brisket
Pork: Ribs, pulled pork, pork chops
Chicken:  Whole chicken, breasts, thighs
Seafood:  Salmon, tuna, shrimp

**Preparing the Grill**

Before grilling, it's essential to prepare your grill properly.

Clean the grill grates:  Use a grill brush to remove any residue from previous grilling sessions.
Heat the grill:  Preheat the grill to the desired temperature. For most meats, a medium-high heat of 350-450°F (177-232°C) is suitable.
Oil the grill grates:  To prevent food from sticking, lightly oil the grill grates with vegetable oil.

**Grilling Techniques**

There are several grilling techniques that can enhance the flavor and texture of your food.

Direct grilling: Place the meat directly over the heat source for a quick and intense sear.
Indirect grilling: Cook the meat over indirect heat, away from the heat source, for a more even and slower cook.
Two-zone grilling: Divide the grill into two zones, one hot and one cool. Grill the meat over the hot zone to sear, then move it to the cool zone for indirect cooking.

**Marinades and Rubs**

Marinades and rubs add flavor and moisture to grilled meats.

Marinades: Soak the meat in a flavorful liquid for several hours or overnight. Marinades tenderize the meat and infuse it with flavor.
Rubs:  A dry spice mixture that's applied to the meat before grilling. Rubs enhance the natural flavors of the meat and create a crispy crust.


No BBQ is complete without a delicious sauce. Here are some popular BBQ sauce styles:

Kansas City: (my personal favorite) A sweet and tangy sauce made with molasses, ketchup, and vinegar.
Carolina:  A vinegar-based sauce with a mustardy flavor.
Texas: A spicy sauce made with chili peppers and brown sugar.

**Sides and Accompaniments**

Complete your BBQ feast with delectable sides and accompaniments. Some popular options include:

Potato salad: A classic BBQ side dish made with boiled potatoes, mayonnaise, and other ingredients. Click here photo for a delicious potato salad recipe. 

Coleslaw:  A crunchy salad made with shredded cabbage, carrots, and a creamy dressing. Click here photo for a delicious potato salad recipe. 

Baked beans: A sweet and savory dish made with beans, bacon, and brown sugar. Click here photo for a delicious potato salad recipe.  

**BBQ Safety Tips**

  • Always prioritize safety when grilling.
  • Keep the grill away from flammable materials: Place the grill on a stable, non-combustible surface.
  • Never leave the grill unattended: Stay close to the grill while it's in use.
  • Use long-handled grilling tools:  Keep your hands away from the heat.
  • Clean the grill regularly: Remove grease and food residue to prevent flare-ups.
BBQ Week is a celebration of the art of grilling. By following these tips, you can create a mouthwatering BBQ that will impress your friends and family. So, fire up the grill, gather your loved ones, and enjoy the ultimate grilling experience!

Do you have some helpful grilling tips? We'd love to hear from you in the comments below.

Keep it sassy,

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Monday, May 22, 2023

Memorial Day BBQ Menu

Memorial Day is around the corner and we have a fantastic menu for you! They are rather quick and easy recipes you will love. Put these in your rotation for the summer gatherings.

Cathy's Chicken BBQ and Coleslaw Recipes ← Click the link for the recipe

Use that slow cooker for an easy and delicious 
chicken BBQ that everyone will be talking about.

Kicked-Up Canned Baked Beans ← Click the link for the recipe

photo credit

Kicked-Up Canned Baked Beans is an easy and delicious way to make ordinary canned baked beans taste as though you made them from scratch! click the link ↑

Deviled Eggs Recipe ← Click the link for the recipe

photo credit

This classic deviled eggs recipe is so easy to make as a side dish, appetizer, or even as a healthy snack! 

Cucumbers with Dill ← Click the link for the recipe

photo credit Taste of Home

Sprinkling cucumber slices with salt and letting them stand in a colander draws out excess water so they stay crisp when set on a barbecue buffet. Try this cucumber dill salad alongside any grilled entree.

Red White and Blue Margarita ← Click the link for the recipe

photo credit

Very festive and great for a batch recipe - Make a lot of each color and put it in the freezer to hold, salt the glasses, and when guests come over use an ice cream scoop to layer the colors. Yummy!

Patriotic Berry Trifle  ← Click the link for the recipe

photo credit Food Network

Super easy, beautiful, and delicious! Who doesn't like trifles?

Do you have some summer recipes you'd like to share? Comment below, we'd love to hear from you!

Happy Memorial Day and keep it sassy,
Sassy Silver Sisters


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