
Showing posts with the label take a class

Tips to Beat the Winter Blues

***UPDATED 1/27/24*** During the winter months, you may find yourself feeling down. To top it off we have illness isolation to deal with. Seasonal sadness can often creep in during this time of year. While these feelings may be hard to dismiss, it's important to remember that every day is truly a blessing! Here are some helpful hints to get you through the winter: Brighten Your Home  - The vitamin D from natural light can help to improve your mood. Make it a daily routine to open your window coverings including blinds and curtains. If you still feel like you're lacking natural light, getting vitamin D firsthand by heading outdoors can also help - just make sure to dress warm! Look Ahead to an Event  - Whether you're looking forward to something it can help to create feelings of excitement. If you can't think of something to look forward to, then create something! It might be redecorating a room or getting together with someone where you can social distance. Stick to a S