Showing posts with label beer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beer. Show all posts

Monday, May 6, 2024

Product Review Roundup May 2024


Attention Product-Curious Consumers! Gather around for an unbiased roundup of the latest and greatest products, meticulously curated to help you make informed choices. We have been busy the last 6-7 months with product reviews. We would like to thank all those who have sent us products to review. If you are interested in sending us a product from our AMAZON WISHLIST, we would be happy to give you a shoutout and review the product.

Our latest product reviews include popcorn popper, coffee, non-alcoholic beer, TEMU haul, jar opener, Dunkin Donuts, magnetic spice rack, Imperfect Foods, SELAH bottle, and a book review. You can find most of these on our YouTube channel and blog.

DASH Popcorn Popper 

Crio Bru Coffee

Sipping and Sampling: Non-Alcoholic Beer Taste TestThere's also a blog post you can read >> Sassy Silver Sisters: Sipping and Sampling: Non-Alcoholic Beer Taste Test with Kelly & Jay

We hope you have found our reviews informative and helpful in making informed decisions about your next purchase.

Have you given any of these products a try? We're eager to hear your thoughts in the comments section below!

Keep it sassy,

Thank you so much for taking the time to read our blog! We really appreciate it. We believe that our blog is a great way to share valuable information, such as tips, tricks, and advice, to help our readers improve their lives. We strive to create content that is interesting, informative, and entertaining so that our readers can always find something valuable to read. We do our best to provide content that is timely and relevant, so our readers can stay up to date with the latest trends. We also aim to provide content that is unique and engaging, so our readers can learn something new and be inspired. We hope that our blog provides you with the necessary information and resources to make your life easier and more enjoyable. Thank you again for taking the time to read our blog!

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Monday, September 25, 2023

Sipping and Sampling: Non-Alcoholic Beer Taste Test with Kelly & Jay

Come along for our Sipping and Sampling of non-alcoholic beer with me, Kelly, and my husband Jay. It was a great way to experience different flavors and styles without the worry of overindulging. There are a wide variety of non-alcoholic beers available, ranging from light lagers to dark ales and everything in between. A non-alcoholic beer taste test can be a fun and educational way to explore the differences between different brands.

We understand that it can be difficult to give up drinking alcohol, especially if it has been part of your life for a long time. That's why we're here to let you know that there's an alternative: non-alcoholic beer. Non-alcoholic beer is becoming increasingly popular and for good reason. It has all the same flavor as regular beer but without the alcohol content. This makes it a great option for those who want to enjoy the taste of beer without the associated risks of alcohol consumption. Non-alcoholic beer can be enjoyed with friends, at parties, or just for a refreshing drink on a hot day. Plus, it's also a great way to still be involved in the camaraderie of drinking beer with friends without having to worry about how much you've had.

Although I don't particularly like beer, my husband does. He loves the taste, the smell, and the way it looks when the foamy head is poured into a glass. He often talks about the different types of beer he has enjoyed, mainly crisp lagers. I don't mind watching him enjoy a beer, but I usually prefer something a bit more flavorful, like a glass of wine or a cocktail. is proud to offer a Non-Alcoholic Beer Variety Pack, featuring 12 bottles of some of the best non-alcoholic beers available. This pack includes Beck’s, Bitburger, Buckler, Clausthaler Dry Hopped Amber, Coors, St. Pauli Girl, Einbecker, Erdinger, Kilber, O’Doul’s Lager and Amber, and Stella Artois. All of these beers provide the flavor of traditional beer without the alcohol. Whether you’re looking for a refreshing beverage for yourself or a gift for someone who doesn’t drink alcohol, this variety pack is sure to please. Plus, it’s conveniently sold in one case of 12 bottles, so you can enjoy all of these beers at once. So make sure to grab your Non-Alcoholic Beer Variety Pack from today and enjoy the flavor of beer without the alcohol.

Jay is a huge fan of craft beer, and he is always on the lookout for something new to try. His favorite beer was Clausthaler Dry Hopped Amber. He loved the full-bodied flavor and the slight sweetness of the malts. The dry-hopping process used to make this beer gave it a perfect balance of hops and malt that was simply irresistible to him. The aroma of the beer was a nice mix of citrus, floral, and herbal hops. The taste was smooth and balanced. The finish was slightly bitter, yet still smooth and balanced. The unique taste and aroma of this beer made it his favorite in the pack.

When it comes to non-alcoholic beer, nothing beats a full-bodied, robust flavor like the Clausthaler. All the other beers were light and watered-down tasting, lacking the complexity of flavor that a good beer should have. They were simply too dull and lacked character. It was like drinking water and not the kind of beer you'd want to savor. Our personal opinion, of course.

But, if you like light beer, this pack would be a great choice for those who enjoy a cold brew but don't necessarily want the high alcohol content or the heavy flavor that comes with some beers. Not only does the non-alcoholic beer have fewer calories and virtually no alcohol than regular beer, but it is also easier on the stomach and easier to drink because of the light flavor. Light beer is the perfect option for those who want to enjoy the taste of beer without the strong aftertaste or the heavy feeling that can come with it. So if you're looking for a beer that you can enjoy without the after-effects, this pack is a great option for you.

If you’re looking to try a variety of non-alcoholic beers, there are a few ways you can go about it. One of the easiest and most cost-effective ways is to buy a variety pack like the one from Amazon. Many stores now offer a variety of packs of non-alcoholic beer, which include different brands and styles. This is a great way to find out which beers you like and don't like without having to buy a bunch of full-size bottles or cans. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can also try a beer tasting or beer flight at a local brewery or bar. These beer tastings usually feature a few different types of non-alcoholic beers, so you can sample them before committing to buying a bottle or can. You might even find a new favorite non-alcoholic beer! With so many options available, there’s no excuse not to try the variety packs of non-alcoholic beer

Make sure to sample a few light lagers, a few dark ales, and a few malty beers. Once you have your selection of beers, pour each one into a clean glass and take a few moments to take in the beer’s aroma (if you happen to watch the video we made, we didn't use a clean glass at each tasting because of the time it would take to taste 12 beers). Take a sip of each beer and let it linger on your tongue before you swallow, noting the flavor and texture. Consider the differences between the beers - is one more carbonated than the others? Does one have a stronger flavor than the others? Are there any surprises in the taste? Finally, consider your overall opinion of the beers. Do you like one more than the others? Would you buy it again? With some exploration and tasting, you can become a well-informed consumer of non-alcoholic beer.

⮞⮞⮞⮞⮞⮞⮞ Watch our YouTube video ⮜⮜⮜⮜⮜⮜⮜⮜

Here's a list of the non-alcoholic beers we tried from Amazon:

  1. Bitburger Pilsner (Germany)
  2. O-Doul's Amber
  3. Clausthaler Dry Hopped Amber (Germany)** Jay's favorite
  4. Buckler Euro Pale Lager (Netherlands) Brewed and bottled by Heineken
  5. Kilber Euro Pale Lager (Ireland)
  6. Ederinger Lager (Bavarian)
  7. Stella Artois (Belgium) Brewed in St. Louis
  8. Clausthaler Original Lager (Germany)
  9. Becks Lager (Germany)
  10. Heineken Lager (Amsterdam)
  11. O'Doul's Lager
  12. Coor Edge Lager

  • Ships in a Special Box To Avoid Breakage
  • Whether you're pregnant, can't drink, won't drink, need to operate heavy machinery, or simply don't want a hangover tomorrow morning this premium non-alcoholic beer variety pack will help you choose the "poison" of your desire
  • Stay on the wagon and enjoy yourself without a buzz
  • This Variety Pack was created by Beverage Universe

So if you're considering cutting back on your alcohol consumption, we hope you'll give non-alcoholic beer a try.

Special thanks to Jay for helping me with the test taste, he enjoyed it more than me πŸ˜‰

Do you drink non-alcoholic beer? What's your favorite? Please comment and share below.

Keep it sassy,



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Thursday, October 5, 2017

Product Review - Not Your Father's Root Beer

Microbreweries are popping up everywhere. They are innovative in their brands and make great beer. BUT, if you don't like beer, what do you drink? Not Your Father's Root Beer. Rhonda was having a conversation with a friend about drinking beer and this particular beer came up. It's brewed by the Small Town Brewery of Wauconda, Illinois. She bought the beer at LIDL grocery store.

We tasted the beer and decided it did indeed taste like root beer but with a twist. Upon opening you could smell the vanilla aroma and the alcohol was detected. Rhonda liked it, which is unusual for her to like any alcoholic beverage. She said she'd bring it to a party if they were serving beer. Cathy thought it was too sweet for her taste but thought it would make a great dessert beverage. Kelly loves root beer but does not like beer in any form so this root beer she would not buy.

We gave it a 2 1/2 thumbs up 

Here's our YouTube video review on the beer..

Have you tried this beer? Do you drink root beer? Do you drink beer? What brands do you like? Comment below!!

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The Recipe of the Week is a bonus for our subscribers and goes out via email mid-week. So, don't miss out, and SUBSCRIBE TODAY!


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Corolla, North Carolina Outer Banks Sites to See Part 2

On our adventures in the OBX, we took a day and went to Corolla, North Carolina just north of Duck.  Mileage-wise, it was not that far from ...