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Memorial Day - In Memory of our Father

***UPDATED 4/29/23***   In memory of our father GySgt Walter Irving Arnold 1931-1973 Memorial Day -  Monday, May 29, 2023   Memorial Day is an American holiday. Observed on the last Monday of May. We honor the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military.   Originally known as Decoration Day, it became an official federal holiday in 1971. Many visit cemeteries or memorials, hold family gatherings, and participate in parades around this great land.  You can find the history here on .  Veterans Day and Memorial Day both honor those who've served. Here's how they differ,     Memorial Day  by Annette Wynne  Is it enough to think today Of all our brave, then put away The thought until a year has sped? Is this full honor for our dead? Is it enough to sing a song And deck a grave, and all year long Forget the brave who died that we Might keep our great land proud and free? Full service needs a greater toll That we who live give heart and soul To keep t