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Want your product reviewed by Sassy Silver Sisters??

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Kelly's Review of FoodE

Hi everyone! Welcome to our blog. We trying this blogging thing out and hope to inform you and maybe even give you a chuckle now and then. Cathy has already given her two cents of the FoodE restaurant in Fredericksburg, VA. I'm going to way in with my review. When we first arrived around 11:40am on a Friday, we traveled down this alley that was decorated with hanging bottles filled with what looked like glow liquid, I'm sure it would look cool when dining in the evening. There were tables decked out with faux grass and artwork of Virginia with moss, oh and a antique bicycle covered in moss. I just thought that was out of this world creative. The kitchen is upstairs so when you arrive you see people coming from the entrance and going up the stairs with dishes and some coming down the stairs with food. It seemed a little dangerous to me but I guess it's working for them. We entered the restaurant and the gracious young women working gave us each a paper menu and