
Showing posts with the label brownies

Substituting Stevia for Sugar in Recipes

As some of you know, I am a Type 2 diabetic.  My real problem is that I have a sweet tooth.  So I have started experimenting with replacing sugar with Stevia in some of my favorite recipes.   I use Stevia in the Raw for my coffee in the morning.  I have found that it is not as sweet as Splenda, but Stevia doesn’t affect my sugar levels, while Splenda can.                                                                                                                                                                    I bought Stevia in the Raw to substitute in my baking recipes.  On the back of the package, it advised only substituting half the sugar with Stevia.  I thought that sounded like a good idea so I made some chocolate chip cookies.   My recipe calls for ¾ cup white sugar and ¾ cup brown sugar.  So I used Stevia instead of the white sugar and kept the brown sugar.  The cookies were fine.  They were not as sweet as regular chocolate chip cookies, but they were good.  (Sorry