Showing posts with label healthy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healthy. Show all posts

Monday, August 14, 2023

Diabetic Friendly Recipes

We love recipes and recently had a request for some diabetic recipes. Hopefully, you will find something you would love to make from the recipe links below.

Diabetic-Friendly 13x9 Recipes | Taste of Home ⮜ CLICK HERE

These 13x9 bakes give you the great comfort food you want while being a friend to those who have diabetes.

Allrecipes pulled together 11 healthy dinner ideas for people living with diabetes, but each of these meals is delicious enough that the whole family will be excited to eat them.

Diabetic Recipes: Food Network  ⮜ CLICK HERE

Find diabetes-friendly recipes desserts, and more from your favorite Food Network chefs.

Healthy Diabetic Recipes | EatingWell ⮜ CLICK HERE

Find healthy, delicious recipes for diabetes including main dishes, drinks, snacks, and desserts from the food and nutrition experts at EatingWell.

Easy Breakfast Ideas for Type 2 Diabetes | Everyday Health ⮜ CLICK HERE

Make breakfast a no-brainer. These simple ideas will keep your blood sugar steady and get you on with your day in no time.

Do have some diabetic recipes you'd like to share? We'd love to hear from you in the comments below.

Keep it sassy,



Thank you for reading our blog post. If you haven't already subscribed to receive our weekly blog post and Recipe of the Week, just click the SUBSCRIBE button on the right of the page and you will be the first to find out what's going on in our sassy brains. 😜

The Recipe of the Week is a bonus for our subscribers and goes out via email mid-week.
So, don't miss out, and SUBSCRIBE TODAY!

FTC DISCLAIMER:  This page informs you of our disclosure statement regarding the advertisements we use and disclosure of our Service and the choices we have associated with it. The compensation received will never influence the content, topics, or posts made in this blog. All advertising is in the form of advertisements generated by a third-party ad network or affiliates. Those advertisements will be identified as paid advertisements. The owner(s) of this website is not compensated to provide opinions on products, services, websites, and various other topics. The views and opinions expressed on this website are purely the owners. If we claim or appear to be experts on a certain topic or product or service area, we will only endorse products or services that we believe, based on our expertise, are worthy of such endorsement. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. This website does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.

Monday, January 3, 2022

New Year's Resolutions to Try in 2022

New Year's resolutions are not something I enjoy, mainly because I fall short on those goals. Do you feel the same way? According to one study, about 80% of people who make New Year's resolutions have given them up by the second week of February. Have you heard of  "Quitter's Day"? January 19th seems to be the day most people quit their resolutions and goals, based on research from more than 800 million user-logged activities in 2019. I believe it is possible to accomplish those goals as long as you're being realistic.

Start small. The smaller the goal, the bigger the impact it can have on your life and the more likely you will see it through.

Whether it's self-care, learning something new, or just trying to be a better person overall, you can achieve those goals and a brighter future for yourself.

I've come up with 50 NY resolutions (with the help of some articles I read in Woman's Day MagazineVery Well Mind, and The Pioneer Woman) that might help and encourage you on your journey.

  • Develop a skincare routine.
  • Relax.
  • Be more mindful of your health. There are a ton of apps to help you.
  • Book your doctor appointments for the year.
  • Be intentional.
  • Learn to find peace in the middle of chaos.
  • Get creative. Pick up a hobby.
  • Declutter and get organized.
  • Sleep more.
  • Start journaling.
  • Take a social media break.

  • Travel, even if it’s to the next town over.

  • Put your phone down and be in the moment.
  • Look on the bright side.
  • Make a new friend.
  • Try new foods.
  • Listen more to music.
  • Read more books.

  • Spend more time with people who bring you joy.

  • Spend less time in front of the TV, and more time connecting with those you love.
  • Listen intently, and don't give advice unless it's asked for.
  • Make sure friends and family know how much you love them every day.
  • Get to know your coworkers better.
  • Send more greeting cards.

  • Avoid the impulse of looking at your phone as soon as you wake up.
  • Be a happier person by ending communication with anyone who isn’t making your life better.
  • Unfollow negative people on social media.
  • Empathize more and judge less.
  • Practice saying "NO".

  • Speak kindly to yourself.
  • Forgive yourself for infractions big and small.

  • Take one small step towards your "someday," every day.
  • Don't say "I'm sorry" unless you really mean it.
  • Accept compliments by saying "thank you," and nothing more.
  • Celebrate small wins.
  • Stop comparing yourself to others. 

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible.
  • Drink more water.
  • Do something healthy every day, even if it's just drinking a cup of green tea.
  • Limit alcoholic beverages.
  • Take routine walks and track your steps.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables.
  • Try a new healthy recipe at least once a week.

  • Track your spending.
  • Stop all of your non-essential spending for a certain amount of time, whether it's for a day, a week, or a month.
  • Learn to recognize your worth and then ask for it.
  • Start investing for a sound future.
  • Get in the habit of checking your bank account daily.  In addition to helping you stay on top of your spending and any deposits, it can also alert you to any fraudulent charges, which are always important to get ahead of.
  • Pick up a side hustle.
  • Save for a rainy day.

We truly appreciate all of YOU that follow us on our blog and other social media platforms. We hope this year will bring you health, happiness, peace, and prosperity.

Do you make NY resolutions? What is a resolution you've made for the coming year? Please comment below 👇 

Happy New Year, 
Sassy Silver Sisters 
Cathy, Rhonda & Kelly


Thank you for following us and if you haven't already subscribed to receive our weekly blog post, just click on the SUBSCRIBE button on the left of this page and you will be the first to find out what's going on in our sassy brains. 😉

Also, if you are interested in getting a weekly recipe, that has been tested and approved by one of us sisters, all you have to do is sign up to our blog and you will automatically receive a weekly recipe. Pass the word along 🍲

FTC DISCLAIMER: This blog post is NOT SPONSORED. All opinions are our own, honest opinions. The links are for easy access & if you choose to use these links we are in no way compensated.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Mistakes We Make While Wearing Face Masks

Quilted Mask made by KellyJo Designs

I don't know about you, but when I'm out an about where there are people close, I wear a mask. I believe this is going to be the way of life for some time to come. I also believe that staying healthy is a priority in my life and I would want to know how to handle wearing a mask the proper way when out in public.

Here are a few mistakes made while wearing a mask and how to prevent them:
  1. Putting it on and taking it off incorrectly is a biggie. Remember to wash your hands or use hand sanitizer before handling your mask after being in a public place. It's all about hygiene folks. Better safe than sorry. When taking your mask off, make sure you handle the mask by the ear loops or ties.
  2. Wearing it the wrong way. If your mask has pleats, they go on the outside, and the folded edge should be on the bottom. The mask should fit snugly, covering your nose and mouth completely without gaps but still allowing you to breathe naturally, according to the CDC. The sides of the mask should extend at least an inch past each corner of your mouth, and the bottom should wrap under your chin, which serves as an anchor.
  3. Putting it on too late. Many people put on their masks as they enter a grocery store or other essential business, but that may be too late because unforeseen interactions can occur earlier. Ideally, you should put on your mask before you step out of your front door. If you live in an apartment, that’s especially important, noting that elevators and stairwells can be especially germy. I live in a house where neighbors aren't so close, so typically I don't put it on until right before getting out my car.  
  4. Contaminating It. Stop touching your face. Really. I must admit I fiddle with my mask while wearing it and I shouldn't be doing that because I'm contaminating the mask with my hands. The nose, mouth and eyes are the main way we get the virus. I need to be more aware and have a bottle a hand sanitizer on me all the time so if I have to touch my mask, I'll be prepared. 
  5. Not Washing Your Mask. If you wear a cloth mask frequently, it’s best to wash it every time you wear it. Use detergent in the hottest water the fabric can withstand. This is not the time to think about brightening the colors. Heat definitely kill s germs. One way we've been sterilizing our masks is by hanging them over the rearview mirror. It's been hot lately and the sun definitely cooks things. Not sure it's the best way but God gave us the sun and I'm gonna use it :) 
  6. Wearing it for the Wrong Reason. Wearing a mask in public is not so much protecting you as it’s protecting others around you in that six feet of space. A growing body of research suggests the novel coronavirus is likely spread by people who don’t show symptoms. That could even be you. And that’s the most important reason to wear a mask.
I hope this helps in your journey to staying healthy during the coronavirus pandemic and praying that you stay safe and healthy always!!

Love and best wishes,
The Sassy Silver Sisters
Cathy, Rhonda & Kelly


Thank you for following us and if you haven't already subscribed to receive our weekly blog post, just click on the SUBSCRIBE button above and you will be the first to find out what's going on in our sassy brains. 😉

FTC DISCLAIMER: This blog post is NOT SPONSORED. All opinions are our own, honest opinions.
The above information originally published on Reader's Digest

Friday, May 10, 2019

Taste Test of Javita Products by Sassy Silver Sisters


Taste Test of Javita Coffee Company Products 
 Sassy Silver Sisters

We really enjoyed tasting this product !
Very  full of flavor !!
you may contact Mary Lu here --


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Cathy, Rhonda & Kelly
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Cathy --- Likes to sell on eBay -- auction finds and her own art.
Rhonda ---  Offers essential oils and is very happy to answer any questions you may have -- just shoot her an email especially if you are interested in any specials she has to offer !
Kelly --- Loves to create jewelry,  useful items for home and auto!

DON'T FORGET our Tip Jar.
 Our equipment works okay but we'd like to have a better camera and a microphone. With the TIP JAR we can eventually purchase these items.  If you enjoy our videos and you'd like to help us out, even if it's a dollar, we would be so excited.  We have yet to decide the type of camera we would like to have, so we will let you know when we have figured it out. We really aren't all that savvy when it comes to all this technical stuff but we are willing to try. Can't fault a girl for trying. ;) UPDATE: We now have lighting and a green screen to play with in our videos --- 
 thanks to our TIP JAR !!  

Monday, September 25, 2017

It's all about WEIGHT LOSS!!

***UPDATED 9/2/23***

Are you on a weight loss journey? Who isn't? We all want to be healthy and live a sassy life.
Cathy has been changing it up and trying to eat healthy and she's started with breakfast. She's going the smoothie route. Smoothies can be a caloric nightmare but if you choose the right ingredients, you can have a delicious and healthy meal, for any part of the day.

Here's Cathy's go-to smoothie recipe: 
  • 1 Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk
  • 1 Cup Fresh or Frozen Strawberries
  • Optional: 1 teaspoon of honey, chia seeds, or cocoa powder
  1. Rinse if using fresh berries 
  2. Add milk and berries to blender and pulse in 30-second increments until desired consistency
  3. Optionally add honey
Enjoy a smoothie and watch our YouTube video as we talk about weight loss.

We would love to hear from you, comment below.

Keep it sassy,

Cathy, Rhonda, and Kelly


Thank you for reading our blog post. If you haven't already subscribed to receive our weekly blog post and Recipe of the Week, just click the SUBSCRIBE button on the right of the page and you will be the first to find out what's going on in our sassy brains. 😜

The Recipe of the Week is a bonus for our subscribers and goes out via email mid-week.
So, don't miss out, and SUBSCRIBE TODAY!

FTC DISCLAIMER:  This page informs you of our disclosure statement regarding the advertisements we use and disclosure of our Service and the choices we have associated with it. The compensation received will never influence the content, topics, or posts made in this blog. All advertising is in the form of advertisements generated by a third-party ad network or affiliates. Those advertisements will be identified as paid advertisements. The owner(s) of this website is not compensated to provide opinions on products, services, websites, and various other topics. The views and opinions expressed on this website are purely the owners. If we claim or appear to be experts on a certain topic or product or service area, we will only endorse products or services that we believe, based on our expertise, are worthy of such endorsement. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. This website does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.

Corolla, North Carolina Outer Banks Sites to See Part 2

On our adventures in the OBX, we took a day and went to Corolla, North Carolina just north of Duck.  Mileage-wise, it was not that far from ...