Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts

Monday, January 3, 2022

New Year's Resolutions to Try in 2022

New Year's resolutions are not something I enjoy, mainly because I fall short on those goals. Do you feel the same way? According to one study, about 80% of people who make New Year's resolutions have given them up by the second week of February. Have you heard of  "Quitter's Day"? January 19th seems to be the day most people quit their resolutions and goals, based on research from more than 800 million user-logged activities in 2019. I believe it is possible to accomplish those goals as long as you're being realistic.

Start small. The smaller the goal, the bigger the impact it can have on your life and the more likely you will see it through.

Whether it's self-care, learning something new, or just trying to be a better person overall, you can achieve those goals and a brighter future for yourself.

I've come up with 50 NY resolutions (with the help of some articles I read in Woman's Day MagazineVery Well Mind, and The Pioneer Woman) that might help and encourage you on your journey.

  • Develop a skincare routine.
  • Relax.
  • Be more mindful of your health. There are a ton of apps to help you.
  • Book your doctor appointments for the year.
  • Be intentional.
  • Learn to find peace in the middle of chaos.
  • Get creative. Pick up a hobby.
  • Declutter and get organized.
  • Sleep more.
  • Start journaling.
  • Take a social media break.

  • Travel, even if it’s to the next town over.

  • Put your phone down and be in the moment.
  • Look on the bright side.
  • Make a new friend.
  • Try new foods.
  • Listen more to music.
  • Read more books.

  • Spend more time with people who bring you joy.

  • Spend less time in front of the TV, and more time connecting with those you love.
  • Listen intently, and don't give advice unless it's asked for.
  • Make sure friends and family know how much you love them every day.
  • Get to know your coworkers better.
  • Send more greeting cards.

  • Avoid the impulse of looking at your phone as soon as you wake up.
  • Be a happier person by ending communication with anyone who isn’t making your life better.
  • Unfollow negative people on social media.
  • Empathize more and judge less.
  • Practice saying "NO".

  • Speak kindly to yourself.
  • Forgive yourself for infractions big and small.

  • Take one small step towards your "someday," every day.
  • Don't say "I'm sorry" unless you really mean it.
  • Accept compliments by saying "thank you," and nothing more.
  • Celebrate small wins.
  • Stop comparing yourself to others. 

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible.
  • Drink more water.
  • Do something healthy every day, even if it's just drinking a cup of green tea.
  • Limit alcoholic beverages.
  • Take routine walks and track your steps.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables.
  • Try a new healthy recipe at least once a week.

  • Track your spending.
  • Stop all of your non-essential spending for a certain amount of time, whether it's for a day, a week, or a month.
  • Learn to recognize your worth and then ask for it.
  • Start investing for a sound future.
  • Get in the habit of checking your bank account daily.  In addition to helping you stay on top of your spending and any deposits, it can also alert you to any fraudulent charges, which are always important to get ahead of.
  • Pick up a side hustle.
  • Save for a rainy day.

We truly appreciate all of YOU that follow us on our blog and other social media platforms. We hope this year will bring you health, happiness, peace, and prosperity.

Do you make NY resolutions? What is a resolution you've made for the coming year? Please comment below 👇 

Happy New Year, 
Sassy Silver Sisters 
Cathy, Rhonda & Kelly


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Also, if you are interested in getting a weekly recipe, that has been tested and approved by one of us sisters, all you have to do is sign up to our blog and you will automatically receive a weekly recipe. Pass the word along 🍲

FTC DISCLAIMER: This blog post is NOT SPONSORED. All opinions are our own, honest opinions. The links are for easy access & if you choose to use these links we are in no way compensated.

Monday, July 12, 2021

My Trip to Lake Havasu City, Arizona 2021

One of the stops during our trip to Arizona this year was a placed called Lake Havasu City.  Our Mom loves to visit there and a matter of fact goes there every year.  I can’t say that I blame her.  It was pretty quiet when Leroy, Mom and I were there earlier this year.  Of course, we were not there in top tourist season.

We stayed at The Nautical Beachfront Resort.  The room faced the beautiful  lake. Some days there was plenty to watch, people on jet skis and small boats. It was a little too cool for swimming.

These were some of the decorative walls at the resort where we stayed.

The moon shown bright at night.  I couldn’t resist getting the picture of the palm trees in the moon light.

There are replica light houses from all over.  This one, which is one of many, is a replica of a lighthouse on Lake Superior.  You can boat around the lake or drive around to see them. Many people travel around the town and lake in four wheel drive buggies. 

Lighthouses of Lake Havasu

To get to the resort you have to cross The London Bridge. It was given to the Governor of Arizona in 1968.  It is interesting to see.  You can walk the bridge on top and underneath.  

There are lots of different locks attached to the bridge.  You can tell some are really old.

There is a small area around the bridge where you can walk with shops and eating places. You can rent boats and jet skis or take a boat ride around the beautiful lake.  There are some museums there too, but when we were there, they were closed due to COVID.  There are about 53,000 people who live there full time according to the 2010 census.  People also park their RVs in the outskirts of the city.  Lake Havasu is a tourist destination for those who love to be on the water.

Lake Havasu City is a great place to visit.  They do have an airport nearby if you are a jetsetter. 

We had a good couple of days there.  I highly recommend it for some water fun or just some slow down time.

Have you visited Lake Havasu? We'd love to hear from you and your experiences.

Travels from the middle sister, 



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FTC DISCLAIMER: This blog post is NOT SPONSORED. All opinions are our own, honest opinions. The links are for easy access & if you choose to use these links we are in no way compensated.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Trip to Kentucky Part 1 - Ark Encounter

Recently my husband and I went to Kentucky.  Why Kentucky you may ask?  I would ask too.  There are several places to visit in Kentucky.  The first stop we made was in Williamstown, Kentucky.  There you will find The Ark Encounter.  It is a model of Noah’s ark and it is massive.  I guess it had to be in order for all those animals to fit inside.

Ark Encounter


It opened on July 7, 2016.  We have been wanting to visit ever since.  Now that attractions are starting to open, I thought it would be a good time to go.  And sure enough, it was the perfect time to go.  It was not crowded at all.  

This ark is a sight to behold.  It is massive.  You really cannot fathom how big until you are there in person.  As you can tell the landscaping is awesome throughout the exhibit. Just take a look at some of the landscaping art I saw.

There is an abundance of beautiful flowers.  Inside the ark is built for easy access with ramps as you go through the several levels of the ark. There are also elevators, wheelchairs, and motorized chairs. The inside is full of cages with faux animals.  It is set up as to how the creators think it may have been.  I found it fascinating.  

There is a small zoo there with live animals as well.  There is zip-lining available for a fee. There is a 3D Theatre called Truth Traveler you can try (for an extra fee) which my husband and I did and a place where speakers and singers perform (we did not pay extra for that). 

There is food available to purchase and places to sit and eat.

All in all, it was a great day.  And yes it was an ALL day event.  

There were people of all ages enjoying the venue.  I took lots of pictures, but I do not want to spoil your trip.  I hope you can visit sometime soon.

Stay tuned for more posts on our trip coming up in the next several weeks!! We would love to hear from you and if you had the pleasure of visiting the Ark Encounter.


Stay safe and healthy,
The Sassy Silver Sisters
Cathy, Rhonda & Kelly


Thank you for following us and if you haven't already subscribed to receive our weekly blog post, just click on the SUBSCRIBE button above and you will be the first to find out what's going on in our sassy brains. 😉

FTC DISCLAIMER: This blog post is NOT SPONSORED. All opinions are our own, honest opinions. The links are for easy access & if you choose to use these links we are in no way compensated.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Senior Discounts, Perks and More

****UPDATED 9/2/23****

If you happen to be in our age bracket of 50+, you will love this blog post. It's all about DISCOUNTS!! Who doesn't love discounts? There are many perks to getting older and we are here to help you find them.

I remember the first time someone offered me a senior discount and was highly offended. I'm sure it was because of my prematurely gray hair. The young cashier asked me if I qualify for a senior discount and I said absolutely NOT! I happen to be in my 40's, thank you very much!

Now that I can actually receive discounts, I'm happy to say YES, thank you very much!

Senior Discounts: What You Should Know

  • As of 2023, many businesses have done away with their senior discounts, but the following companies still slash prices for older adults, as well as veterans, and low-income individuals.
  • For many companies on this list, the specific senior discounts vary by location, so be sure to check with your local stores to confirm discount availability.
  • Some stores, like Kohl’s, offer senior discounts on particular days of the week.

Check out these links to senior discounts and SAVE!!!

The 78 Best Senior Discounts to Use in 2023

  •  From cheaper food to saving on travel, you can get all kinds of senior citizen discounts if you're 50 or older.

Senior Discounts

Your Guide to Finding the Best Deals and Senior Discounts

Brads Deals

  • More For Less Discounts for People Over 50.

Senior citizens make up a large portion of the population and many discounts and free services are available to them. Sometimes seniors can even get discounts for things like health care, prescriptions, food, recreation, and travel. 

I hope this helps you in your journey to find great deals and get that well-deserved senior discount. If you haven't arrived at the senior level yet, pass this on to someone who can enjoy the savings now.

Do you know of other websites that offer great deals for seniors? Please comment and share. We are all in this together.

Keep it sassy,



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Corolla, North Carolina Outer Banks Sites to See Part 2

On our adventures in the OBX, we took a day and went to Corolla, North Carolina just north of Duck.  Mileage-wise, it was not that far from ...