
Showing posts with the label grandmothers

Happy Mother's Day!!

***UPDATED 4/29/23*** Wishing everyone who's a momma, grandma, or motherly figure a very  HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY !! 🌸   ******** 🌸   ******** 🌸   ********* 🌸   ******** 🌸   Mother's Day --  a day of the year (in the US, the second Sunday in May) on which mothers are honored by their children.  In 1907, Anna Jarvis, of Philadelphia, began the campaign to have Mother’s Day officially recognized, and in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson did this, proclaiming it a national holiday and a “public expression of our love and reverence for all mothers.” We had a little fun with our Mother's Day video -- check it out!  (This video was taken in 2017) Keep it sassy, SSS 🎕🎕🎕🎕🎕🎕🎕🎕🎕🎕🎕🎕🎕🎕🎕🎕🎕🎕🎕🎕🎕🎕🎕🎕🎕🎕🎕🎕🎕🎕 Thank you for reading our blog post. If you haven't already subscribed to receive our weekly blog post and Recipe of the Week, just click the SUBSCRIBE button on the right of the page and you will be the first to find out what