Wondering What To Do With All Those Zucchinis?

****UDPATED 8/5/23****

I have a small garden and zucchini is part of that garden. I’m not sure what happened but when it started producing I only harvested 2 zucchinis. Then all of a sudden it started popping out a bunch and I’m thankful. 

Did you know zucchini grows about 2” a day? Zucchini plants produce a lot of fruit and what do you do with them all? Here are some suggestions along with several of my favorite recipes.
  1. Bake Bread - I adore zucchini bread. It’s moist, sweet, and freezes well. Try this recipe: Zucchini Bread from Dash of Sanity. 

  2. Serve It as a Side Dish - Baked Parmesan Zucchini from Damn Delicious are crispy and super delicious. 
  3. Make Cupcakes - Sweet and delectable, especially with the caramel icing YUMM!! Zucchini Cupcakes from Taste of Home. 

  4. Use It in Place of Pasta - Fun and a great alternative to pasta ITALIAN ZUCCHINI NOODLES RECIPE WITH GARLIC AND TOMATO  from Best Recipe Box.                                                                                              

  5. Freeze It - Did you know you can freeze zucchini? Here’s a great website to help you with 5 different ways. I’ve successfully frozen zucchini and you can too.  Hop on over to this website to find out How to Freeze Zucchini.                                                                                                               

  6. Give It Away - it’s nice to be able to share our surplus of veggies. Plus, there’s nothing like fresh fruit & vegetables right of the garden.                                                                                                         

I hope you can enjoy the fresh off-the-vine produce. Try these recipes and if you have some favorite recipes using zucchini, share in the comments.

Keep it Sassy, 


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