10 Things NOT To Do While Stuck Inside Due to a Pandemic

10 Things NOT To Do While Stuck Inside Due to a Pandemic

1.       Don’t worry! Easier said than done but all this will pass and we will be able to get back to our regular lives.

2.       Don’t forget about your elderly neighbors. Just give them a call or knock on their door once in awhile to let them know they aren’t alone. But REMEMBER stay 6 feet away.

3.       DON’T GIVE UP! Not an option! We are all in this together.

4.       Don’t congregate with more than 10 people. Heed the warnings.

5.       Don’t shake hands with people. NO NO NO

6.       Don’t HOARD essentials items. We all are in need of these things.

7.       It’s not okay to say “I’m fine” when you are not, REACH out to talk with someone.

8.       Don’t forget to call your family members.

9.       Don’t forget to exercise. It’s good for you! Who remembers those outfits and big hair?? I DO!!

10.   Don’t forget to get a little sunshine. It helps with the blues and an excellent source of Vitamin D.

What are you doing to help keep the COVID19 at bay? We'd love to know!

Take care!!
The Sassy Silver Sisters
Cathy, Rhonda & Kelly


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